A residence permit in Norway for foreigners is a mandatory procedure for legal residence in the country for more than three months. Of course, there must be a justified reason for moving and applying for a residence permit. How to get a residence permit in Norway in 2021 will be discussed in this article.

How to get a residence permit in Norway?

One of the distinguishing features of all Scandinavian countries can be safely attributed to the comprehensive development of the information technology sector. Norway is no exception in this regard. Especially for the convenience of potential migrants, a universal resource of the Department for Foreigners UDI functions in the country, where anyone can find official information on the methods and requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Norway, depending on the purpose and place of residence.

It also provides an opportunity to leave an application and familiarize yourself with the list of required documents. Of course, you need to coordinate your actions with the Norwegian Consulate in your country. Local authorities grant residence permits to foreigners if they stay in the country for more than 90 days, after 3 years it becomes possible to obtain permanent residence, and 7 years of residence in Norway will allow them to obtain a Norwegian passport.

Residence permit in Norway for employment

Official work in Norway implies a preliminary search for a job in the Norwegian labor market and the signing of an employment contract. On this basis, a residence permit is issued, as a rule, for 1-3 years. Some types of short-term work (up to 3 months) in certain professions do not require a residence permit.

Residence permit in Norway for doing business

Foreign entrepreneurs have the right to register a company in Norway and obtain a residence permit to run a business.

The business must be long-term in nature, the projected profit is at least 25 thousand euros per year, a foreigner has the right to work only in his company in a position that requires high qualifications, which is confirmed by a diploma or professional experience. The term for consideration of the application can reach from 2 to 12 months.

Residence permit students

Foreign students have the right to get higher education in one of the Norwegian universities free of charge and for studying longer than 3 months you will need to issue a residence permit. The compulsory student fee is around 60 euros per semester.

Much more significant costs are associated with housing and food. Norway is a very expensive country. For these purposes, you will need at least 1000 euros per month. Students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week and full time during vacations. The term for consideration of the application is 4-6 weeks.

Family reunification

Family immigration involves the moving to Norway of close relatives of a Norwegian citizen or foreigner with a residence permit in this country. The following categories of persons can exercise this right:

  • spouses and registered partners, in the case of same-sex marriages;
  • grooms / brides who intend to formalize a marriage relationship within the next 6 months;
  • cohabitants, in case of cohabitation for at least 2 years or waiting for the birth of a common child;
  • children under 18, sometimes older. For example, unmarried children from 18 to 21 years old who have already lived in Norway for several years and are dependent or children of any age, in case of serious health problems;
  • dependent parents over 60;
  • other relatives, under special circumstances.

Residence for refugees

Persons who are persecuted in their home country or who fear such actions will occur in the future have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in Norway. A prerequisite here is to arrive on your own to Norwegian territory or the border and submit an application.

Asylum applications from citizens are considered according to an accelerated procedure within 2-3 weeks. In other cases, the term may extend over several months.

Medical treatment

Foreigners wishing to undergo a long course of treatment in one of the Norwegian medical institutions are required to obtain an appropriate residence permit on this basis. The maximum validity period of a document cannot exceed 1 year. Together with the person who needs help, the residence permit is received by an accompanying person.

Advantages of residence permit in Norway

Even though Norway is not part of the European Union, the country is a member of the Schengen Agreement, so the holder of a residence permit has the right to visa-free visits to the states of this zone.

  • An opportunity to get high-quality and free higher education.
  • Employment with a high level of wages.
  • The right to develop business in a country where private property is respected and laws are enforced.
  • For a relatively short period (3 years), you can get permanent residence, and after another 4 years and citizenship of Norway.