The country of Smurfs and Adventures of Tintin, Belgium; is a small country that has a vibrant economy, rich culture, and wealthy citizens. Hosting the world’s leading universities and state-of-the-art education system, this tiny country attracts and inspires people across the globe. Whether it’s relocation or a plan to visit, a travel visa is essential. In this article, we will highlight and explain some of the major reasons people often get their visa applications declined.

First of all, EU residents do not need a visa for Belgium for as long as their stay is under 90 days. However, people from anywhere else require a Schengen visa to visit Belgium. The validity of a type C Schengen visa is 90 days and for a multiple/double-entry visa, it may be from 6 months to 5 years. The validity is completely subjective to the purpose of the visit, the financial health of the visitor, etc… A person may enter and exit the country as often as desired during the validity of the visa within 180 days, in case of a type C visa. The multiple entry visa has no such restriction. 

Major reasons why visa applications get denied

Does the applicant have a criminal record?

Like many developed countries, Belgium is very particular about the applicants’ history. If a person has been booked for a criminal activity that constitutes a threat to Belgium, the application is sure to face rejection. Having said that, for very few crimes such as driving negligence or drunk driving, the visa application may see approval, provided the concerned courts and immigration authorities of the applicant’s home country furnish a clearance certificate stating that the person has recovered from alcoholism or any such practices for more than 2 or any specified number of years.

Are the documents genuine?

Falsifying or faking documents is a crime. It will surely not only lead to rejection but possible legal action against the wrongdoer. Hence, it is advised that in case the applicant doesn’t have merit for a required check box, it is better to leave it empty rather than fill out fake information.

Is the applicant’s purpose of visit clearly stated?

One other mistake applicants usually make is not providing a satisfying answer as to their visit to the country. It cannot be emphasized enough that a valid and plausible reason for a visit will tilt the counselor or the embassy in the applicant’s favor.

The health of the applicant’s passport & its validity

Having a nice, clean and smooth passport may not seem to be much, but a soiled, and dog-eared passport is a sure sign of declination. Applicants must ensure that their passport is well kept, and in case their passport is indeed soiled and torn at some places, a new passport should be obtained before applying for the visa.

Similarly, passports older than 10 years and/or have remaining validity of fewer than 3 months are also not considered.

Is it important to have a traveling itinerary?

As most of you would know that a Schengen visa allows a person to travel in and out across Schengen states. Therefore, it is essential to provide your entry and exit countries. Along with providing proof of accommodations, transportation and lodging, and boarding details with the application.

Is the letter of reference good enough?

For non-EU residents, a letter of reference from a Belgian citizen is compulsory. This letter is provided by a Belgian citizen or naturalized resident. In case the letter is found invalid or unsuitable, the visa application might be denied. 

Some reasons the application is found invalid are:

  • The letter is not on the original letterhead.
  • The letter is more than 3 months old.
  • Absence of stamp and/or signature of the author

Does the applicant have enough finances?

Lastly, failing to prove that the applicant has sufficient means to travel and maintain decent subsistence will lead to rejection.