German flag

Many migrants trying to seek countries with a stable economic and political situation, a high standard of living, and social security. For this reason, job seek in Germany for foreigners in 2021 is not just a way to make good profit. However, It is an opportunity to settle in the country.

Why do foreigners choose Germany for employment?

The flow of citizens from abroad wishing to find work and stay in 

Germany is not decreasing. Specialists of the highest category, and workers, and service personnel, and even those who hope for odd jobs come here.

Why exactly Job Seek in Germany? The following factors speak in favor of choosing this country:

  • one of the highest living standards in the world community;
  • provision of citizens with social protection from the state;
  • high wages;
  • the opportunity to obtain resident status after 5 years of legal residence in the country;
  • for businessmen – investment attractiveness, ensured by a stable economy;
  • lack of a corruption component;
  • a large selection of vacancies;
  • proximity to other European countries.

However, labor migrants should not ignore the many difficulties associated with legal work. This is the need to learn German, and high taxes, and significant competition.

Work for foreigners

Technicians, such as engineers, designers, and other so-called techies, have the highest chances of successfully finding a Job Seek in Germany. Practically unclaimed in their countries, they are of great interest to German industrial enterprises.

However, the most popular vacancies in the German labor market today are:

  • medicine: nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, paramedics, narrow specialists;
  • transport: mechanics, truckers, drivers;
  • construction: plumbers, handymen, bricklayers, electricians;
  • service sector: nannies, housekeepers, nurses (this category has the opportunity to get a place with accommodation); as well as cleaners, dishwashers, maids, waiters, cooks, administrators.

As for IT professionals, it should be borne in mind that Germany is not the easiest option for them. Only really talented programmers are appreciated here, and it will take a lot of effort to find a company that needs such an employee.

Job search methods

Foreign job seekers can get a job legally and illegally. The first method is more complicated, but it provides the migrant with a position almost equivalent to a resident of the country. In this case, you can enjoy most of the benefits, receive a decent salary and live in peace without fear of deportation.

There are several ways to find such a job. However, it is impossible to say for sure which one will work. Sometimes the desired result is achieved with a combined approach to solving this issue. So every migrant has to go his thorny path.

Self-search of job

Man searching for the work

Finding a job yourself is a very real task for foreigners as well. The first thing to do is take a look at the website of the German Job Center

A big advantage for applicants is the presence of an English version of the portal. Here you can find vacancies both by industry and in specific companies.

Job Seek in Germany via Internet page:

  • – suitable for job seekers who want to get a highly qualified job with a salary of 60 thousand euros per year.
  • – more than 30 thousand employers place their offers here. On the site, you can find work with wages ranging from 50 to 250 thousand euros per year.
  • is a portal for those looking for a job in IT specialties.
  • – Help in finding employment for students.

Groups on social networks can be a good option for finding a job without intermediaries. Also, LinkedIn is the most popular job search network in Europe.

Here you can get thousands of practical advice on employment in the country of your interest. Sending information about yourself to potential employers, as well as studying advertisements in newspapers, including electronic ones, will not be in vain.

Job search through contacting intermediaries

Most applicants prefer to shift the solution of issues related to finding a vacant position to recruitment agencies. This method can be considered effective, but only in combination with those listed above. Job Seek in Germany preference should be given to the following companies:

  • Premium Job, GmbH – based in Hannover. Works with the largest employers in Germany and the EU. Assists in employment to citizens of different countries of the world;
  • UnionWorkUGFurth is the city of Nuremberg. Helps to find unskilled vacancies. Those who are interested in working as a watch should drop in here.
  • Agentur für Arbeit is located in Berlin. Helps to find vacancies in all areas.

What do you need for employment?

Conference in Germany


For a German company to be able to hire you, you need to confirm your diploma. You can check if your diploma is valid in Germany on a special portal –

The database of the site contains information about all educational institutions in the world and indicates whether the diplomas issued by them correspond to German ones. In the event of a discrepancy due to the difference in education systems of different countries, many specialists will have to take an additional course of study and pass an exam. Only then will they be able to get to work.


Another component of success is knowledge of German or at least English. A polyglot’s chances of getting an interesting position with a good salary increase several times.

Proof of good German proficiency is a certificate of passing the exam. Without knowledge of the language, you can only count on unskilled vacancies.


However, finding a job is only half the battle. It is also important to obtain a visa that will allow you to cross the German border and stay in the country for a long period. For these purposes, a national visa (category D) is requested at the consulate, more precisely, one of its varieties is a work visa. To obtain the latter, you must provide an invitation from the employer.

If a job has not yet been found, it is allowed to enter the country with a special permit that allows you to live in Germany for six months and look for a vacant position. An important document for obtaining such a permit is confirmation of the financial ability to stay in Germany for the time allowed.


Whatever your planned employment – work under a contract (seasonal) or a long-term contract – the consulate, along with the rest of the documents, should confirm your relationship with the German company. Based on these documents, a decision will be made on granting you the right to stay in the country.

Initially, the visa is issued for 3 months. Immediately upon arrival in Germany, the employee can apply for a residence permit before the end of the employment contract. If the relationship with the employer is not limited in time, then a two-year visa will be issued. It should be borne in mind that a migrant will not be able to change his place of work for three years. After 5 years, you can apply for permanent residence.

The situation is different with the holders of the Blue Card. They have the opportunity to change their employer, and they can get permanent residence in 2 years. Such a document is issued to specialists of the highest category. At the same time, their relatives get the opportunity to legalize with them under a simplified scheme.

Watch also: German Job Seek Visa

Wages & taxes in Germany

Official work is a guarantee of receiving wages for the employee and tax payments for the country. Germany occupies a leading position in the ranking of citizens’ income. The official minimum wage is fixed here at 8.5 euros per hour. For a workday of 8 hours, the employee receives 68 euros per day and 1,360 euros for one month (minimum salary).

Today the average salary in the country is 3,500 euros per month. At the same time, the highest rates are in the banking sector, medicine, and the automotive industry.

However, it should be borne in mind that the indicated amount is a salary before taxes, the total amount of which can reach 30% of income. This means that in its pure form the employee will receive about 2,500 euros.

Watch also: Top 5 High-Wage European Countries in 2021