If you would like to work in Finland, and you are not a citizen of one of the EU countries, you need to obtain a residence permit. The residence permit must be obtained before arriving in Finland.

Before obtaining a residence permit, you need to find a job in Finland. After you find the work, you have an opportunity to apply for residence in Finland.

Generally, to work in Finland, either an employee’s residence permit or another residence permit is required to work in the country. The category of residence permit depends on the type of work you intend to do.

Residence permit for an employee

You will need an employee residence permit if you cannot work with a different residence permit or without a residence permit. An employee’s residence permit is not required for all types of work. You can check on the website of the Migration Service which residence permit you need.

A residence permit, for example, is required for workers in the following professions:

  • cooker
  • cleaner
  • au pair or childcare assistant.

The decision to issue a residence permit is made by the Migration Board. To obtain a residence permit, a decision of the Employment and Economic Development Bureau is also required.

Other residence permits for work

For some types of work, an employee’s residence permit is not required, but a residence permit is required, which is issued to perform certain types of work. These types of work are:

  • management position at the enterprise;
  • specialist position;
  • researcher position;
  • work in the field of science, culture, and art;
  • workplace internship.

The decision to issue a residence permit is made by the Migration Board. The decision of the Bureau of Employment and Economic Development is not required to obtain a residence permit.

Residence permit for a seasonal worker

If you are coming to Finland for seasonal work, you need to obtain a residence permit for seasonal workers. The duration of seasonal work cannot exceed 9 months. Seasonal work includes, for example:

  • agricultural work;
  • logging works;
  • work at festivals.

If you are coming to work for less than three months from a country whose citizens require a visa to Finland, then you need to apply for a visa for seasonal workers at the Finnish representative office. If the duration of work is more than three months, you need to apply for a residence permit to the Migration Service.

Working with a different residence permit

If you already have a residence permit obtained on other grounds, such as family ties, your residence permit may include a permit to work in Finland. In this case, you do not need to separately obtain an employee residence permit. You can check if you have a work permit in Finland on your residence card or in the decision to grant you a residence permit.

If you were educated in Finland

If you were educated in Finland, you are entitled to a temporary residence permit to look for work. This residence permit can only be issued as an extension of the student’s residence permit. You need to apply for such a permit before your residence permit expires during your studies. You can obtain a residence permit for a maximum of one year. You can get this residence permit only once.

If you have found a job for yourself, then you can immediately start working. You need to apply for a new residence permit based on work before the expiry of your residence permit for a job search.

If you received your education in Finland, then the decision of the Employment and Economic Development Office is not required to obtain a residence permit.

Obtaining a residence permit

You need to apply for your first residence permit before arriving in Finland.

You can apply through the Enter Finland internet portal. After applying, you need to visit the nearest Finnish representative office to verify your identity and present the originals of the documents submitted with the application. You need to come to the representative office within three months from the date of applying on the Internet. The application is accepted for processing only after you visit the representative office. Usually, you need to make an appointment in advance at the dealership.

If you are unable or do not know how to apply online, you can apply the paper form, as well as all attachments to it, to the nearest Finnish representative office. You can print the application form on the website of the Finnish Immigration Service.

Consideration of the application is paid. You need to make the payment at the time you apply for a residence permit.

The role of the employer in the process of obtaining a residence permit

The application for the issuance of a residence permit for an employee must be accompanied by the form TEM054, which is completed and signed by the employer. The employer can provide information about the activities of his company on his own, as well as monitor the progress of the application using the Enter Finland service. An employer can also pay an application processing fee for his/her employee. Check with your employer if they use Enter Finland.

However, remember that the employer cannot apply for a residence permit for you, he/she only provides additional information on your application through the Enter Finland service.

While the application for the first residence permit is pending, you are not allowed to work in Finland. If you are applying for a residence permit abroad, you cannot enter Finland until the residence permit is issued.

Applying for a residence permit for specialists

If you are arriving in Finland as a specialist, you can come without obtaining a residence permit. You should have the Finish right to work or visa for 3 months. You must have a job that meets certain requirements. If you will be working in Finland for more than three months, then you need to obtain a residence permit. You can apply for a residence permit electronically through the Internet portal Enter Finland or at the service point of the Migration Board.