A passport is a document that the government issues to identify its citizens. It establishes the owner’s nationality and gives them the legal right to cross borders. It typically contains the citizen’s name, age, date of birth, and sex. The pass holder’s photograph is on all contemporary passes. Some nations (including Ukraine since 2015) have begun applying for new biometric passports with extensive forgery prevention and additional citizen data.

Passport types in Ukraine
The passport of a Ukrainian citizen is proof of the owner’s identity and Ukrainian citizenship. Every Ukrainian citizen over the age of 18 receives one from the primary executive body responsible for carrying out state policies in the area of citizenship.
International passport
A second passport, known as an “international” passport, is required to cross the border. This passport is granted to anyone over the age of 18 upon request.
Unless otherwise specified by Ukraine’s international treaties, it is only valid for the completion of civil transactions, financial activities, and execution of warrants for other persons to be represented before a third party on Ukrainian soil.
A person must present the following documents to apply for a Ukrainian passport:
- The application for passport issue.
- The application and any incorrectly drafted documents are rejected and given back to the applicant.
- The birth certificate.
- Two 3.5 x 5 cm photographs.
The images that are presented for the passport’s production must be one negative shot of the person’s entire face without a headdress, printed on flimsy white or colored photo paper, and cornerless. The state tax payment receipt or a copy of a document on state tax exemption must be photographed with the wearer’s spectacles on for people who wear them all the time.
Additional documentation required (if any) for the issuance of a Ukrainian citizen’s passport
The following are the types of documents required:
- A document attesting to a person’s registration as a Ukrainian citizen or their citizenship.
- A document attesting to a person’s return to live in Ukraine.
For citizens between the ages of 25 and 45, the passport must be provided along with two images that fit the required size. Original papers are given back to the owner of the issued pass. At the citizen’s house, the exchange of the Ukrainian citizen’s passport takes happen within a month.
In five days, the passports of citizens between the ages of 25 and 45 are updated with fresh images.
Circumstances for changing Ukrainian pass
In the following situations, Ukrainian passports are exchanged:
- Alteration of given, middle, or last name.
- Finding discrepancies in the entries.
- Unfitness for use.
Those who wish to switch a Ukrainian citizen’s passport must provide:
- The submission of the form is required by the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- The required replacement passport.
- Two 3.5 x 5 cm photographs.
Documents attesting to these facts must also be supplied when exchanging a Ukrainian pass due to a change in name, given name, or surname, or due to discrepancies in the records. Citizens must inform them right away if their pass is lost so that they can issue a temporary certificate verifying their identity.
The Ukraine ministry of internal affairs
The Ukraine Ministry of Internal Affairs determines the format for temporary certificates and the steps involved in their issue. A citizen must submit the required paperwork and images within a month of turning in the required age, altering their name, given name, or patronymic, detecting discrepancies in the entries, or if the pass is otherwise unfit for use.
The application is completed by a representative of Ukraine’s SMS, together with a blank passport and a payment document (receipt) bearing the logo of a bank, post office, or other organization certifying payment for this administrative service.
In the passport of a Ukrainian citizen, and for those under 16 years old, in the birth certificate (after receiving the documents, the service recipient must return them).
Citizens must also submit an application stating why they require a second passport or travel document, or two passes or travel documents are being prepared simultaneously (e.g. providing passenger or freight services, participating in sports competitions or concert and theater tours, business, tourist or journalist activities, etc.). Two application forms with copies of the needed documentation are submitted at the same time as two passports or other travel papers are prepared.