Since Romania is a member of the European Union (EU), its legislation on employment permits and entry papers is comparable to those of other EU nations. Both citizens of Switzerland and other E.E.A. nations, as well as nationals of other EU member states, do not require a permit to work in Romania (EEA). These nations include Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway. Foreign citizens must apply for a Romania long-stay visa if they intend to visit the country for more than 90 days. There are many long-stay visas for Romania, and they vary based on the itinerary. The most popular, nevertheless are:

  • The work visa.
  • Romania’s study permit.
  • The visa for a family reunion in Romania.

Work visa for Romania

Foreign nationals traveling to Romania to accept paid employment in a Romanian company are awarded a Romanian employment visa, commonly known as a Romanian Employment Visa (D/AM). You need an employment permit from the Romanian Inspectorate General for Immigration to obtain employment entry papers. Your employer in Romania will apply on your behalf. Once you have the permit, you can apply from your home country for a Romanian employment visa.

Romanian employment eligibility

You need to fit into one of the following categories to be eligible for a Romania work visa:

  • Carrying out research, teaching, or any other kind of specialized activity in a Romanian institution.
  • You are an expert employee.
  • You will cooperate under a bilateral agreement.
  • You’ll carry out your duties by the Minister of National Education’s directives.
  • Your work will be artistic and carried out as per the ministry of culture’s directive.
  • A pact between Romania and your nation grants you access to the Romanian labor market.
  • You will be under a ministry or other central public or local government entity.
  • You’ll be in charge of an organization with an overseas corporate headquarters’ Romanian branch office.

Romania’s rules for work visas

You need the following to apply for a work visa for Romania:

  1. An employment permit that you got from your employer through the Romanian Inspectorate General for Immigration.
  2. Documents about your job status.
  3. A police clearance certificate from the nation where you now reside.
  4. For the term that your visa is valid, purchase travel health insurance.
  1. Evidence of lodging in Romania.
  2. Proof of adequate financial resources demonstrating that you will be paid at least the required minimum gross wage.
  3. A form for applying for a visa to Romania is available for download on the ministry’s website. 
  4. The two most current photos meet Romania’s requirements for visa photos.
  5. 3cm by 4cm and your face occupies between 70 and 80 percent of the image.
  6. A passport or other travel document that is currently valid and accepted by Romania that is:
    • Still valid at least three months after your visa’s expiration date.
    • Was released ten years prior.
    • At least two blank pages on which the visa can be attached by consular personnel.

The Romanian work entry papers must be applied for at a Romanian diplomatic mission or consulate within 60 days of receiving work permission.

Applying procedure

To lawfully reside and work in Romania, foreign nationals will require both a work permit and a long-term visa. The actions you must take to receive these documents are listed below:

  • For the benefit of the potential employee, the employer must submit a work permit application.
  • Within 30 days, the IGI will respond to the request.
  • A work permit will be given to the potential employee if the IGI approves the application.
  • The employee must then apply for a long-term visa through Romania’s diplomatic missions and consular offices.

Additional crucial points

An employee may submit a request through the IGI to extend the period of residence allowed by their long-term visa. They must submit the request at least 30 days before the expiration of their entry papers. At the same time, their work permit might be renewed.

Most work permits in Romania are extendable for up to a year. Employees with high skill levels may be eligible for a two-year extension.

Some of your staff members will probably be on family vacations. If a family member wants to work in Romania, they will each need their work permit in addition to a long-term visa.