The country is located in Western Europe, where it is bordered by France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The republic is known for its waffles, chocolate, beer, and famous landmarks such as the Atomium and Manneken Pis. The capital of Belgium is Brussels, which is also the headquarters of the European Union and NATO. Belgian’s official languages are Dutch, French, and German. The nation has a population of around 11.7 million people, and its economy is highly developed, with a strong focus on services and high-tech industries. It is also known for its excellent healthcare system and high quality of life. This republic is divided into three regions. Flanders (consisting of Dutch-speaking people), Wallonia (consisting of French-speaking people), and Brussels-Capital Region (bilingual). Each region has its government and parliament, and there is also a federal government responsible for national affairs. The standard of living within the territory can vary depending on a variety of factors, including one’s location, lifestyle, and personal preferences. The cost of food in this nation can be moderate to high, depending on where and what one eat.  The standard of living within the territory can be high, especially in larger cities like Vienna and Salzburg. However, the country also offers a high standard of living and a strong social safety net, which can offset some of these costs.

Cost of living in the country

It is known to be a relatively expensive country to live in, especially in its major cities such as Brussels, Antwerp, and Ghent. The standard of living here can vary depending on a variety of factors, including one’s location, lifestyle, and personal preferences. In general, the quality of life in this country is relatively high compared to other European countries, as well as the quality of life. The following are some basic costs for typical expenses incurred in the republic:


The price of renting accommodation here can vary greatly depending on where one lives, the type of accommodation one chooses, and whether one decides to rent or buy. On average, renting a one-bedroom apartment in a city center can cost between €700 and €1,200 per month. Houses located in the city are usually more expensive compared to those on the outskirts of the city.

Food and groceries

The price of buying food and other items can be moderate to high, depending on where and what an individual eats. A lunch at a low-cost restaurant can cost up to €15, while a three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant can cost up to €70. A loaf of bread might cost roughly €2, a liter of milk about €0.90, and a kilogram of chicken about €7.


The nation has an extensive public transportation system that includes buses, trams, and trains. A single one-way ticket costs around €3, while a monthly pass can cost around €50-€80. Individuals who can afford to purchase a car should be prepared for higher costs of maintenance due to taxes, fuel, and insurance.


Paying for household utilities in the territory is relatively high. The average price of electricity, gas, and water for a one-bedroom apartment in the center may be around €150-€200 per month. To avoid paying more fees, expats can choose to live on the outskirts of the city or in smaller towns.


It has a well-regarded public healthcare system, but also a mandatory healthcare insurance system. Expats must register for the Belgian health insurance system to get access to medical care. The cost of healthcare insurance may range between €80-€150 per month.

Overall, living here is relatively high compared to other European countries, but some opportunities make it worthwhile.

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