Germany attracts immigrants with a stable economy and a high standard of life. The German passport opens visa-free access to 188 countries of the world. Moreover, Germany offers the best medical care and education in the EU. Germany is ranked third on the UN’s list of the best countries to live in, and ten German universities are ranked in the top 100 by Times Higher Education magazine. Learn about how to apply for German citizenship below.

How to get citizenship of Germany?

Naturalization is the only legal way to obtain a German passport. It assumes the fulfillment of several conditions (to each of which, however, there are exceptions). To become a German citizen, you must:

  • staying in Germany for last 8 years with legal status;
  • 7 years on condition of completing an integration course;
  • 6 years, subject to confirmation of language proficiency at a level higher than B1;
  • 3 years, if 2 of them are legally married or in a civil partnership with the holder of a German passport.
  • speak German;
  • take a test of knowledge of the legal and social order of Germany;
  • independently provide themselves financially;
  • have no previous convictions;
  • renounce first citizenship.

How to obtain a German residence permit?

There are different types of residence permits that allow foreigners (except for citizens of the EU or the European Economic Area – they do not need a residence permit) to legally reside in Germany.

Temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)

You can get residence in Germany by:

  • education in Germany;
  • opening or acquiring a business in Germany;
  • international legal, political, or humanitarian reasons;
  • family circumstances;
  • homecoming;
  • employment.

EU blue card (as a simplified form of obtaining a residence permit based on employment for highly paid employees);

the presence of a permanent residence permit in another EU country;


Open a business in Germany

Germany does not impose strict requirements on those who want to open their own business on its territory. “There is no specific amount or number of jobs that would guarantee an applicant to obtain a residence permit,” comments Herman Moyzhes”. It is important to provide the German side with a plausible, realistic business plan and prove that the applicant has the necessary competencies to implement it.” The decision of the authorities may be influenced by the sector in which the applicant plans to open the company: a technology-related business has a better chance of guaranteeing its owner a residence permit than a new hotel or restaurant. According to statistics, only those businessmen who want to live and work in Germany will get real results.

Permanent residence permit – Niederlassungserlaubnis

A permanent residence permit is indefinite and allows its holder to work in Germany. As a rule, to obtain a permanent residence permit, you must have a temporary residence permit or a blue card for five years, as well as prove your financial independence, speak German at an intermediate level, and have no criminal record.

A permanent residence permit in Germany is practically inalienable. To annul it, the German authorities will have to prove that its owner committed serious crimes or misled them when receiving the document. Also, the authorities can deprive a foreigner of a residence permit if he leaves Germany for six months or more (that is, he will be absent during this time without interruption).

There is a separate type of document – a permanent residence permit in the EU (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EU). It also gives the right to an unlimited stay in Germany and the ability to work in its territory, but, unlike the usual permanent residence permit, it allows its owner to obtain a temporary residence permit for any EU country.

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