The national social security system is funded primarily by social insurance payments and, to a lesser degree, by taxes that go toward the general state budget. Its foundation is the social insurance model. The majority of societal advantages are dependent on job duration and/or the payment of required insurance premiums. More specifically, the foundation for unemployment, health, and pension advantages is the payment of insurance premiums. Other family benefits are determined by citizenship and domicile, while others are based on employment. The only requirements for the guaranteed minimum resources program are citizenship and place of residence.

Foreigners who live and work in Serbia are eligible for these perks under the same criteria as Serbian citizens since the majority of public welfare is contributory. There are a few exceptions, however. One of these is the region of guaranteed minimum resources, a non-contributory program solely open to nationals of the country. Parental benefits are another exception. The parent must be a Serbian national and resident to be eligible for the advantages. Child benefits are means-tested and demand that the kid be a Serbian citizen resident in Serbia. However, certain immigrant groups may get preferential treatment when it comes to obtaining societal protection in Serbia. For instance, those who are citizens of nations with whom Serbia has signed a bilateral social security agreement.
Requirements for eligibility
Immigrants must possess a current residence permit or another kind of identification that enables them to live in Serbia. The kind of residency permit may have an impact on who is eligible for what welfare. In Serbia, several social assistance and welfare programs are means-tested, taking the applicant’s income, assets, and financial condition into account. To be eligible for these programs, immigrants, like Serbian nationals, must fulfill the required income and wealth requirements. The program may be able to provide financial aid to immigrants who satisfy the requirements for public assistance, such as low income or financial hardship.
Programs for welfare and social assistance in Serbia
Numerous social assistance and welfare programs are in place in Serbia to help out needy people and families. The following is a list of some of the most significant programs:
Child support
The Child Allowance program assists families with children financially. Children as young as 18 and as elderly as 26 may utilize it provided they are studying. The allowance amount will be decided by the family’s income and the number of children living in the home.
Benefits of parental and maternity leave
Working women may get maternity leave benefits both during pregnancy and after giving birth. The advantages for parental leave provide parents who are raising a kid under one financial support. These perks are provided by the employer or the National Health Insurance Fund and are dependent on the individual’s typical wage.
Benefits for unemployment
Unemployed people who satisfy specific requirements may qualify for unemployment advantages. The advantages provide temporary financial assistance while the recipient is actively looking for work. Individuals often need to have made contributions to the unemployment insurance fund to qualify.
Disability benefits
People with impairments who are unable to work may be eligible for disability advantages. The level of impairment and the person’s prior earnings are used to calculate the benefit amount. Additionally, support services like therapy and medical aid could be offered.
Pension benefits
For those who made contributions to the pension fund throughout their working years, Serbia’s pension system offers retirement advantages. The pension’s size is determined by many elements, including the employee’s contributions, career history, and average wage.
Asylum benefits
Asylum seekers and recipients may qualify for monthly financial aid if they aren’t housed in an asylum center and meet the minimum income requirement. The public welfare center having authority over the municipality where the asylum seeker lives examines and decides on the request for public support. Once authorized, the requirements for receiving societal aid are reviewed annually by the public welfare center.
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