In need of a place to lay back or seeking a fresh take on your life chances in Serbia? The intention of this chapter is to explain the major original aspects involving shifting to Serbia. That pertains to how to come to a citizen of Serbia, the steps to come to a citizen, acquiring a house permit, and examining the cost of living there and other conditions regarding relocation. Once you get acquainted with these ways, moving to Serbia should be just a simple trip down.

How to become a citizen of Serbia
Citizenship is acquired by:
- Descent.
- Birth in the home of the Republic of Serbia.
- Admission.
- Pursuant to global treaties.
Citizenship of that country is obtained by admission pursuant to the valid decision made by
the Ministry competent for internal affairs upon a procedure prognosticate herein.
Getting citizenship by admission
An immigrant who, in line with the regulations on movement and residency of non-natives, is permitted to permanently live in the country can upon his own request, be admitted if:
- He doesn’t have different citizenship, or he submits proof that he’ll be granted the redundancy if admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
- He presents a written statement that he contemplates the Republic of Serbia as his state.
Getting to Serbia
The most popular way to reach Serbia, still, is via land routes. You can accessibly enter Serbia from any of its neighboring countries. Due to the issue of disputed dominion entering through Kosovo isn’t advised, as Serbia doesn’t accept the sovereignty of Kosovo.
Conditions to become a Serbian citizen
The operation for citizenship of the Republic of Serbia is submitted in person or through a deputy in the police administration at the place of living or stay of the aspirant, and can also be submitted through the competent political and consular charge of Serbia.
The following documents are needed:
- A birth document.
- A marriage document.
- A photocopy of the identity document.
- A written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia as his state (on the specified form, which can be attained at the police station.
- for a child older than 13 years, his presence is needed, in order to give concurrence.
- evidence of paid duty.
The competent authority ex officio, with the concurrence of the party, obtains data from the functionary records of the particular status of citizens (birth register, marriage register, and death register), records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia (instrument of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia) and other sanctioned records bodies in the Republic of Serbia in which the data necessary is contained. Of course, this doesn’t help the aspirant from carrying all the necessary attestation in order to speed up the process of admission to citizenship.
Getting your permit in Serbia
Getting a Serbian permit requires a fairly long, but busy and affordable process. First, you must acquire a type D visa, which is a visa for temporary casing from ninety days until 12 months. Getting a house permit is a process fully completed in about three weeks. Only after five consecutive temporary permits can you acquire a lasting occupancy in Serbia. Getting work in Serbia, opening a business over there, or offering validation of foreign income (e.g. pension check) greatly simplifies the process. Lately, the government of Serbia provides persuaded and subsidized the opening of businesses in Serbia. Also, Serbian marketable impositions count among one of the lowest in Europe. This is especially good if you want to run a business.
Cost of living in Serbia
The cost of livelihood in Serbia is among the cheapest in Europe, which is a great advantage for refugees looking for a place to live in. Rent in Serbia costs just one-fifth of the cost in the United States and Western Europe because of the low living cost, Belgrade has risen to be an eye-catching point for business investments and occupancy likewise. Serbia offers a high cost-benefit rate for its EU contiguity. Its affordable cost of living and excellent position is extremely a delineation card for both investors and retirees. Indigenously Serbia is more affordable than some of its neighbors, like Hungary, Croatia, and Romania.