Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Austria

The Russian Federation embassy in Austria is located in the center of Vienna. The Embassy's working hours are from 8:30 - 12:15 and 13:15 - 17:30 by local time.

Address of the embassy

Location of embassyThe Russian Federation embassy in Austria is located at Reisnerstraße 45-47, Vienna. The Embassy's postal code is A-1010.

Contact details

Tel.: +43 1 712 12 29
Fax: (+43) (1) 712 33 88
The official website:


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary posted to Austria at the Republic of the Russian Federation embassy is His Excellency (H.E.) Mr. Ljubinskij Dmitrij

During his career Mr. Ljubinskij Dmitrij has served in various capacities, among them:

In the diplomatic service since 1989.

  • Work in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
  • Counselor of the Russian Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bonn/Berlin).
  • Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation, responsible for Russian-German relations.
  • Minister of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the republic of Austria.
  • Deputy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation.
  • Director of the 3rd European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Since August 2015 - Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Austria.

Pictures of the embassy

Russian Federation embassy Official flag Russian Federation embassy Main Building

About the embassy

Today, as a hundred years ago, the Russian embassy in Vienna represents the diplomatic interests of Russia in Austria and seeks to promote the development of traditional partnership and friendly cooperation between our two countries.

We are open to all positive ideas and initiatives, the implementation of which can contribute to the deepening of Russian-Austrian bilateral contacts in various fields, from business and culture to sports.