Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in the Kingdom of Austria
The Republic of the Philippines embassy in Austria is located in the center of Vienna. The Embassy's working hours are from 9.00 to 17.30 by local time.
Address of the embassy
The Republic of the Philippines embassy in Austria is located at Laurenzerberg 2/2/ZWG, Vienna. The Embassy's postal code is A-1010.
Contact details
Tel.: (+43) 1 533 2401
Fax: (+43) 1 533-2424
e-mail: vienna.pe@dfa.gov.ph
The official website:
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary posted to Austria at the Republic of the Philippines embassy is Her Excellency (H.E.) Mrs. Maria Zeneida Angara Collin
During his career Mrs. Maria Zeneida Angara Collin has served in various capacities, among them:
- Assistant Secretary, Office of European Affairs, (Department of Foreign Affairs);
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (AEP) to the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania and to Finland;
- Assistant Secretary Office of European Affairs (Department of Foreign Affairs);
- Chief of Mission assigned as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
- Chief of Mission in Residence Foreign Service Institute (Department of Foreign Affairs);
- Consul General Philippine Consulate General Sydney, Australia;
- Consul General Philippine Consulate General (Hong Kong SAR);
Pictures of the embassy
About the embassy
The Filippinnes Embassy in Vienna can help Austrian citizens through its consular services, if they:
- Need basic or specific information about the Filipino economy, culture, sports, education and more;
- Need information regarding requirements and process of getting Filipino Citizenship;
- Specific contacts and information in Philippines;
- Want to apply and obtain Filipino Visa;
Philippines also has 4 other representations in Austria:
- Consulate in St. Polten
- Consulate in Salzburg
- Consulate in Linz
- Consulate in Klagenfurt