With a rough estimate of 9,908,798 citizens, Hungary ranks as the 84th most populous nation in the world. People who relocate to Hungary will discover that this landlocked country has a vibrant culture and a diversified ethnic population. To lessen culture shock before migrating to Hungary, it is advised to first conduct thorough research on the nation.

Before establishing relations with Western Europe, Hungary had to endure centuries of invasions, communism, and economic upheaval. It is now a burgeoning leader inside the European Union.

Its city, Budapest, which is dubbed the “Paris of Central Europe,” is the most lauded representation of its prosperity.

The largest lake on the continent, Lake Balaton, is around 100 kilometers away from this city and is renowned for the skyscraper hotels that line its shores.

Exciting family activities

Moving to Hungary with kids may be a comfortable choice for any expat because there are so many enjoyable things to do in addition to the excellent international schools. Outdoor excursions like canoeing and kayaking are among the many family-friendly things to do in Hungary. At the Budapest Amusement Park, where a vintage wooden roller coaster and dodgem cars can get those kids’ pulse pumping, people who reside in the city center are up for big-city thrills.

A trip to the Nyregyháza Zoo, which features a recreation area, Wood Park, beach, pools, and a spa, will be especially enjoyable for kids who love animals. On the other hand, those who are interested in art can visit some of the many museums, including the National Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts, which are home to some of the greatest historical works of art from Hungary. When children experience Lake Pecs at Orfu and Lake Tisza at Tokaj, where visitors can sail or take sailing lessons, Hungary’s natural beauty can also enchant them.

Transitioning to daily life

Hungary’s highways and roads are generally in good shape, especially in Budapest, new roads are frequently built together with safety-promoting features. However, roads might be small and in bad condition in rural areas. If a legal American driver’s license with a Hungarian translation is linked to the original license, a foreigner may be granted driving privileges in Hungary (for one year). A valid state driver’s license must be used in conjunction with an International Driving Permit (IDP), which must be provided by the American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Automobile Touring Alliance. Expats need to receive a Hungarian driver’s license after a year.

For foreigners living in Hungary, opening a bank account is crucial because most employers pay their staff via bank accounts. This is also how utility bills like phone and electricity must be paid. To open a bank account in Hungary, an expat need to have a valid residence permit and an address. Banks occasionally merely demand a passport. Although there are many banks in Hungary, foreigners frequently prefer to do their banking at Magyar Bank Rt or CitiBank.

Understanding the Hungarians

A foreigner living in Hungary can tell a real Hungarian when he sees one. Even in the most informal settings, they are consistently courteous. Somebody who is already in an elevator, for instance, will push the appropriate floor number for someone who has just entered. Another appealing trait of Hungarians is their love of family. They greatly like family get-togethers, especially when everyone has started to get busy, and it has become nearly difficult to enjoy one other’s company. Despite being known for their love of wine, they enjoy drinking beer and having fun during these gatherings.

Although they enjoy the concept of having a good time, Hungarians can often be aggressive. It is stated that Hungarian emotions are usually severe; one can experience tremendous joy one minute and extreme rage the next. It is crucial for those traveling to Hungary to be aware of these characteristics of the locals so they will know what to anticipate and how to respond.