A residence permit is a document that gives a foreign citizen the right to stay in the Republic of Latvia for a certain period (temporary residence permit) or permanently (permanent residence permit). A residence permit is required if you wish to stay in the Republic of Latvia for more than 90 days within six months from the first day of entry. Learn how to obtain residence permit based on work in Latvia below.

How is a work permit issued in Latvia?

Obtaining a work permit in Latvia is not an easy process. Moreover, it takes a long time. The process of obtaining a residence permit for work in Latvia consists of several steps.

First step

  1. Submit a vacancy announcement at the state labor exchange;
  2. Pre-agree on the project and conclude an employment contract;
  3. Collect documents;
  4. Issue a call to request a temporary residence permit and work permit.

Second step

  1. Submit documents for obtaining a residence permit at the Consulate of Latvia abroad or the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (UGDM);
  2. Obtain a positive decision on the consideration of the request.

Third step

  1. Apply for an immigrant visa to enter Latvia;
  2. Arrive in Latvia and issue an ID card;
  3. Register in VID.

The established amount of salary for obtaining a residence permit through employment

Each EU country has its own rules for the employment of the labor force. And, of course, to the minimum wage for working foreigners. 

Moreover, a work permit is issued under different conditions and different terms. In 2020, the minimum wage in Latvia is 1076 euros.

Qualification documents

A foreign worker can be registered only based on qualification documents. Thus, the issuance of a work permit depends on the diploma and work experience.

Secondly, there is a way to avoid this. Since the beginning of 2020, there has been an opportunity for foreigners to be employed without experience. This means that a work permit can be obtained without proof of qualifications. But only in cases for low-skilled workers.

Qualification documents must be legalized following the established procedure unless otherwise provided by international treaties. Therefore, if the documents are drawn up in a foreign language, a translation into Latvian is attached to them. When copies of qualification documents are submitted without presenting the originals, they must also be certified.

There are 4 mandatory points for obtaining a work permit in Latvia:

1. Employment only based on qualification documents;

2. In addition, employment without qualification documents is possible. These are unqualified personnel;

3. The minimum wage is 1076 Euro;

4. Work permits are issued for the duration of the residence permit.

If the foreign worker will work in an unregulated profession. In this case, the employer must provide one of the documents:

  • A copy of a valid educational document similar to the requested profession.
  • A copy of a document confirming at least three years of work experience in a specialty similar to the requested profession.

Under the above, the availability of qualifications and a profession are interrelated. This is the main thing in finding a job. In simple terms: a foreigner with experience and an engineering degree cannot apply for the position of director and financial worker.

Unregulated professions

An unregulated profession is a specialty that does not require recognition and confirmation of a diploma in Latvia. Recognition of the professional qualifications of a foreigner is an important point for employment in Latvia.

Consequently, a foreigner can work in unregulated professions without formal recognition of educational documents. For example, obtaining a work permit for an economist, builder, marketer or programmer will not create problems.

Regulated professions

A regulated profession in Latvia is a specialty whose qualifications must comply with Latvian standards. Foreigners must obtain a government permit. Another option is to take an exam. 

Such specialists must know the Latvian language and professional education. Obtaining a work permit in Latvia for a regulated profession is not a real possibility. For example doctor, dentist, construction manager (foreman), civil engineer, etc.

The time frame for obtaining a temporary residence permit through employment

Consideration of documents for a temporary residence permit, not urgently, takes 1 month. In addition, it is possible to pay for expedited consideration of the request for a period of 10 and 5 working days. But first of all, you need to understand that for acceleration, you must additionally pay a state fee.


Obtaining a residence permit for work is a rather long process. For this, employees must have experience or qualifications. First of all, supporting documents must be properly drawn up. But, state diplomas and certificates need to be legalized.

Apply for a residence permit in Latvia with our professional assistance. Baltic Legal‘s lawyers have many years of experience and focused on Immigration Services.

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