Estonia, is a country in Northern Europe, bordering the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland. Its capital, Tallinn, is known for its preserved Old Town, exhibition halls, and the 314m-high Tallinn TV Tower, which features a perception deck.
Applying for an Estonian Visa:

There are different types of visas that vary depending on the goal of the visit. Whether you want to study, work, relocate or you want to spend holidays, you’ll need to apply for a special Estonian Schengen Visa. Those are some general required documents for an Estonia Visa application:
- The visa application form; must be filled out completely and with utmost sincerity.
- 2 passport copies.
- Passport and copy of the previous visa. They should be valid for a minimum of three months beyond the return date required. The passport must have a minimum of two blank/empty pages.
- Travel medical insurance confirmation of minimum €30,000 coverage within Estonia and therefore the entire Schengen area.
- A cover letter stating the aim of the visit to Estonia and itinerary.
- A copy of the return ticket reservation with the date and flight number specifying entry and exit from Estonia. It is not recommended to get a ticket before obtaining the visa.
- Proof of accommodation for the entire duration of the intended stay in Estonia.
- Proof of civil status (marriage certificate, certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, identity card if applicable).
- Means of subsistence – Proof of financial capability for the duration of stay in Estonia. The number of financial means that every traveler applying for an Estonian Visa must show to the Estonian Embassy is 100€ /day for the period of stay in Estonia.
Estonian Citizenship acquisition
Nobody can be denied citizenship by birth. An Estonian resident cannot hold the citizenship of some other country. Estonian citizenship is lost by acquiring the citizenship of another country. A kid might hold more than one citizenship if his/her parents have various citizenship. After turning 18 years old, the person must choose Estonian citizenship or the citizenship that he’s holding within three years.
Estonian citizenship is obtained by birth if one parent is an Estonian. It can also be acquired through naturalization, by investment, also it can be reinstated if the person has lost his Estonian citizenship while he was a minor, and finally by marriage.
Estonian Citizenship by Descent: If one of the child’s parents is Estonian or was Estonian, once he’s born, he’s an Estonian by descent. This is his right, whether he was born outside Estonia or inside of it. He can reapply for his citizenship if one of his parents repudiated his citizenship before he turned eighteen.
Estonian citizenship by Naturalization: The person who wants to become an Estonian resident through naturalization has to satisfy the following requirements:
- The applicant must be 15 or above.
- Have resided in Estonia lawfully for no less than eight years and, have gone through the recent five years with permanent residence in Estonia
- Must be acquainted with the Estonian language.
- The applicant must take an assessment to prove his familiarity with the Estonian Constitution.
- Take a vow of loyalty.
Estonian Citizenship by Marriage: The person married to a resident or permanent inhabitant of Estonia, can gain citizenship by naturalization. First, the marriage gives the person the qualification for a five-year temporary resident permit. Then, the applicant will be able to extend his residency for another three years. When this period is over, the applicant is qualified for naturalization. In order to be qualified, the person must have spent not less than five successive years in Estonia.
Estonian Citizenship by Investment: There is no direct Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program in Estonia. In any case, there is a Residency by Investment (RBI) program, which qualifies the person for Estonian citizenship by naturalization. The person is qualified for a five-year renewable residency permit in case he’s an investor in Estonia. Then, he will be able to follow the naturalization route.
Benefits of Estonian Citizenship
Holding Estonian citizenship gives you numerous benefits. As an Estonian resident, you will receive the privilege to cast a ballot in Estonia, the option to run as an applicant in all races and mandates in Estonia, the right to political assurance by the territory of Estonia while being abroad, benefiting from the freedoms of an EU resident, incl. sans visa travel inside the EU and in numerous different nations, the ability to work without grant in the EU, the option to lead a business in the EU, etc…
Economy of Estonia
The economy of Estonia is on a high level. Estonia’s economy is vigorously affected by improvements in the Finnish and Swedish economies. Since its independence, Estonia has developed economically so fast. Fast changes, westernization of the economy, advancement, and receptiveness to unfamiliar capital have drawn various global organizations to Estonia such as Ericsson, ABB, Kuehne+Nagel, Stora Enso, Symantec, Stoneridge.
Estonia’s economy is flourishing!