Immigration to Iceland is not the most popular solution. However, get an Icelandic passport is prestigious, it gives you access to the European market, quality medicine, and prestigious education.

Options to get an Iceland Passport

How you can become an island resident:

  • contract job;
  • student body;
  • refugee;
  • marriage to an Icelandic citizen (family reunification).

Buying real estate and starting a business, according to local authorities, are not sufficient grounds for granting a residence permit. In addition, there are several restrictions for businessmen on investing in certain industries. As in many other countries, foreigners can own real estate, but not land.

In addition, before traveling abroad, you need to check whether you have a travel ban, this will help a high-quality service you have checked on the Internet, which will help you find out information about the availability of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing, communal services and other, as well as assess the likelihood the prohibition of travel abroad.


Immigration to Iceland through the conclusion of a work contract for citizens of countries outside the European Union is problematic. Traditionally, narrow specialists in the field of computer technologies and engineers are in demand.

To get a job as a simple worker, for example, in fish processing, you need to withstand competition with EU citizens who came from Eastern Europe. Employees are required to become members of trade unions and pension funds.

The employer is concerned about a work permit. Once you have found a job and signed a contract, you can apply for a residence permit.

Education at the university

Tuition at any faculty in any of the seven universities in Iceland costs 300 euros per year. Classes are conducted not only in Icelandic but also in English. Immediately after enrolling in the course, you can apply for a residence permit.

Asylum in Iceland 

It is believed that it is in Iceland that refugee status is least often denied. But still, to get this status (and with it, and very good social security), you need good reasons. Perhaps the low failure rate is because not everyone can get to the island. After all, people without documents will simply not be allowed on the plane.

Another limiting factor is that a work permit cannot be obtained in refugee status. As a result, it is difficult to legalize and summon all of your numerous relatives to Iceland.

However, you can get a residence permit: having lived in refugee status for three years, an immigrant becomes a permanent resident.

Family circumstances

The residence permit is granted to foreigners who are married to citizens of Iceland. In addition, if you prove cohabitation, you can also move to your common-law spouse. Elderly parents and minor children of Icelandic citizens will be able to reunite with the family.

Icelandic Passport

How to get Icelandic passport? If you manage to obtain the status of a temporary resident, then in three years it will be possible to apply for permanent residence.

Having lived in Iceland for a total of seven years, a foreigner is eligible to apply for citizenship.

For some categories of immigrants, the established period of seven years has been reduced:

  • children born in Iceland, provided that they have no other citizenship, can become citizens after three years;
  • former citizens of Iceland receive citizenship status after one year;
  • children of Icelandic citizens become citizens after two years, and their parents by this time must have been in citizenship for at least five years;
  • when marrying an Icelandic citizen, the foreign spouse must have lived in the country for only three years, while the marital experience must be at least four years.

The applicant must provide evidence of the purity before the law and sufficient financial solvency. There is no need to renounce your previous citizenship.

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