One of the long-term goals in many investors is pension savings that will provide a comfortable life on a well-deserved rest. Often these plans are associated with moving to another region and even the country.
First of all, any person who retires and thinking about immigration into more developed countries is puzzled by the choice of the country for living. The factors that should be taken into account from the point of view of new citizenship and the second passport are whether your new passport allows a visa-free regime, taxes, and other potential obligations.
It is also necessary to take into account such a factor as financial freedom that makes it possible to open a bank account or start a business. There is also a question of the place of retirement of emigrants wishing to become citizens. In this article, there is a list of countries with easy citizenship for retirement.

The threshold of real estate investment to obtain a residence permit in Greece is 250,000 euros. It makes a Greek golden visa one of the cheapest among all investment residency schemes in united Europe. You can get a Greek residence permit about four months after buying local housing at the relevant cost.
There is a more affordable alternative. It is a residence permit in Greece for financially independent persons. The basis for its design may be evidence of the presence of a stable income of 2 thousand euros/month (over the past 12 months).
To preserve and extend a residence permit, it is not necessary to reside in Greece yearly. On the other hand, if you live in the host country most of each year, becoming its tax resident, it will be possible to apply for citizenship of Greece on naturalization in seven years. To obtain a European passport in this country, you will also need to pass an exam for knowledge of the Greek language.

Portugal provides a unique opportunity to obtain European residency without investment, getting a work contract, or obtaining refugee status – D7 visa to Portugal based on passive income. It is enough to have passive income in your country of at least 665 euros per month (7980 euros per year).
The existing EU non-citizen may issue a residence permit for investing in local housing. The amount of investment in real estate in Portugal ranges from 350,000 euros to 500,000 euros.
You can also get an additional discount of 20 percent if you buy in a region with a low population density or weak economy. It is an excellent option for pensioners who do not plan to resell or take the acquired asset for rent but are going to live in a purchased home or apartment yourself.
Since the purchase of real estate and the receipt of the Portuguese golden visa will take a maximum of six months. Candidates may apply for permanent residence in five years. At the same time, they have the opportunity to receive Portuguese citizenship.
Among European countries with investment residence programs, Portugal remains one of the most popular options. It offers an optimal combination of prices, advantages, and one of the easiest routes to obtaining citizenship in the European Union.

Cyprus offers the fastest way to citizenship of any European country. Getting the second passport as an investor can be in just six months. Investments in real estate for 2 million euros are required, and gratuitous 200,000 euro subsidies. It makes this program of economic citizenship itself in Europe and the world.
The program of obtaining Cypriot economic citizenship for investment is also one of the most variable. Investors can invest not only in housing but also in diverse businesses, as well as securities.
Candidates must submit confirmation of the minimum physical presence in Cyprus before providing citizenship. It means the need to personally visit the Mediterranean island at least once to get a residence permit there.