People who want to move to Europe for a job, school, or family reunion often choose Bulgaria as their new home. To control the inflow of foreigners into the nation, Bulgaria has implemented immigration quotas and limitations, like many other nations. These regulations aim to strike a balance between the nation’s economic requirements and the demand for visas from foreign people. Anyone contemplating coming to Bulgaria, whether for employment, school, or family reunion reasons, must be aware of the quota system. This essay goes into great depth about these regulations and what you should know before submitting a visa application.

The flag of Bulgaria
Bulgaria National Flag Waving on pole against sunny blue sky background.

Quotas and caps

Countries utilize quotas and caps, two distinct kinds of regulations, to control immigration. Cap specifies a maximum number of visas that may be granted during a certain period, while quota sets a precise number of visas that are available for that time. The distinction between the two is that whereas caps are adaptable according to the demands of the nation, quotas are rigid and permanent.

The immigration quota system in Bulgaria

The quantity of visas that may be awarded for certain long-stay visas, such as work and family reunification, is governed by Bulgaria’s immigration quota system. In Bulgaria, there are two different kinds of quotas: national quotas and EU quotas.

National quota

The national quota is a cap on the total number of visas that may be granted to non-EU nationals coming to Bulgaria for employment, education, or family reunion. The Bulgarian government determines the national quota every year depending on the labor market and the nation’s economic requirements. Application renewals as well as new applications are subject to the national quota.

EU quota

The EU quota specifies the most visas that may be granted to EU nationals who want to relocate to Bulgaria for employment-related reasons. The Bulgarian government determines the yearly EU quota depending on the employment situation in the nation.

How limits and quotas affect the processing of visas

The procedure for applying for visas may be significantly impacted by quotas and limitations. No more visas will be granted when the limit has been met until the following year. As a result, it’s crucial to apply early to prevent losing the chance to get a visa. Caps may be altered depending on the demand for visas and are more flexible. The government may decide to raise the quota when it is reached to accommodate the demand for visas. This indicates that if the government chooses to raise the limit, additional visas may become available.

How to submit a visa application under the quota system

Candidates must submit their application to the Bulgarian embassy or consulate in their home country to be considered for a visa under the quota system in Bulgaria. All necessary paperwork, including a passport, a visa application form, and any supplemental records needed for the particular kind of visa, must be sent with the application. The Bulgarian authorities will assess the application once it is filed, and if the quota or cap has not been reached, the visa will be awarded. Depending on the kind of visa and the workload at the embassy, the processing time for a visa application might vary.


Caps and quotas are crucial regulations used to control immigration and preserve an equilibrium between the nation’s economic demands and the demand for visas. It’s critical to comprehend how Bulgaria’s visa quota system works before submitting a visa application since it might have a big influence on the procedure. Applicants may improve their chances of getting a visa and coming to Bulgaria by being informed of the quota system and applying early.

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