After obtaining a residence permit in Latvia, you immediately become a full-fledged resident of the united Europe. This status gives you the possibility of visa-free entry to any country of the Schengen area, the use of financial instruments and resources of Europe and, of course, completely new markets and extraordinary prospects are opening up for you.

Residence Permit in Latvia through a Subordinated Loan

To obtain a residence permit in Latvia, foreign citizens must invest in a credit institution in Latvia from EUR 280 thousand in the form of a subordinated deposit (loan). 

At the same time, it is important to know that the duration of the transaction must be at least 5 years, and during this time it cannot be canceled. 

From September 1, 2014, legislative changes will also come into effect and it will be necessary to pay a one-time fee of 25,000 euros when obtaining a residence permit using a subordinated loan.

Over the past 10 years, the country’s banking system has been characterized by:

  • strict control by the National Bank of the financial position of the entire banking system in general and commercial banks in particular;
  • more liberal financial legislation than in the rest of the EU;
  • reliable support of large banks in Scandinavia and European financial groups, whose subsidiaries are almost all banks in the country.

Various accounts in Latvian banks can be opened not only by residents, but also by citizens of many countries of the world. For disclosing the secrecy of a bank deposit in Latvia, criminal liability is incurred. 

Law on Credit Institutions

Following the Law on Credit Institutions (excluding strictly specified special cases, for example, criminal proceedings), confidential data on customer accounts cannot be provided to third parties or government agencies.

There are no restrictions on the volume of banking currency transactions in Latvia. Banks provide clients with a full range of financial services of a fairly high level. 

The services of opening and maintaining an account in Latvian banks are relatively inexpensive. The owner of a bank account does not need to make a mandatory insurance deposit, there is no need to pay for account maintenance, and the percentage of commission for numerous transactions is relatively low. There are many other service benefits that customers around the world enjoy successfully.

Subordinated loan (deposit) in Latvia

This contribution has several features, on the one hand, allowing you to get an increased profitability, and on the other hand, imposing serious restrictions on the early (early) termination of such an agreement. The minimum period for which such a loan is given is 5 years.

Loan terms:

  1. registration of a deposit in foreign currency (EUR, USD);
  2. the term for placing funds is 5 or 7 years;
  3. the agreement has no right of termination during the entire term of the loan;
  4. the minimum deposit amount is 300 thousand. EUR or 400 thousand. USD;
  5. Interest payment depends on the option of placing the deposit.


As a standard, with a fee of 100 EUR, the process of considering your application will take up to 30 days. If desired, it can be reduced by paying an increased fee, which will greatly speed up the processing and take: 10 working days for 240 EUR, and 5 working days for 310 EUR.

Grounds for refusal the Residence

  • the investor’s military or government service;
  • active tuberculosis disease;
  • outstanding conviction;
  • being in at least one of the “black lists” of Latvia or the Schengen countries.

How long is a residence permit issued?

It should be remembered that a permit for a residence permit is issued for a period of up to 5 years, and after this time you will need to either renew it for another 5 years, or apply for a permit for permanent residence. 

In addition, during these 5 years, the investor must re-register annually, during which only the existence of the basis (real estate, shares, deposit), the validity of the insurance, as well as the subsistence minimum for the next year will be checked.

It is possible to buy real estate in Latvia using credit received from a national or foreign bank. Purchased real estate is allowed to be leased, rented or mortgaged.

After 10 years of residence in the territory of Latvia, the investor is granted the right to obtain local citizenship through naturalization.

Family of Applicant

Family members of the investor (spouse, minor children, dependent persons), in turn, also have the right to receive a temporary residence permit and the opportunity to use the benefits of this status. The investor himself acquires a work permit in the country, while his family members do not have such a right.

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